Lavender Aromatherapy

When the cold season comes many people are overcome by a feeling of irritability, depression and even lethargy. The symptoms are diagnosed as specific to the so-called “winter blues” that affect a large number of men and women every year. From the alternative health care practices, lavender therapy is one of the most efficient in helping people get a grasp over their emotions. Lavender oil has the reputation of cleansing the body and mind as well as releasing the negative thoughts and feelings. Highly safe and with a steady influence on the psyche, lavender oily extract allows one to put a stop to emotional conflicts, increasing the level of consciousness.

Lavender aromatherapy is thus compatible with a large number of nervous problems some more serious than others. Thus, from mild depression to nervous tension, hysteria and even panic, lavender aromatherapy will help you get back to your normal balanced self. You could surround yourself with lavender as it is available in a variety of presentation forms: candles and incense, bath salts, aromatic massage oil and even sachets to be used in drawers and closets. Diffusers also serve well for the purposes of lavender aromatherapy, not to mention that a few drops of oil on the pillow work magic for a perfect night's rest.

Here are some more ingenious ways of incorporating lavender aromatherapy in your life. You could have cotton balls close within reach and use them to inhale the aromatic exhalations of very concentrated lavender oil. You could also drip some lavender extract in the vacuum cleaner and spread the scent in the entire house, or you may simply improvise and find a personal way to benefit from the advantages of this wonder remedy. The impact on the nervous system is immediate with the calming of the irritation and the installation of a relaxed feeling.

Massage and bath are perfectly compatible with lavender aromatherapy since once the oil passes into the nervous system it will influence the brain to work positively on organs and tissues. When used in hot bath water, lavender aromatherapy oil stimulates the blood flow and enters the lymphatic system modifying the reactions to the aggressive external stimuli. A similar reaction is triggered by the gentle oil massaging in the skin. Complementary practices that support the use of lavender aromatherapy include light therapy and exposure to natural sunlight. Moreover, a healthy diet and a good lifestyle have their word to say in the matter.